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Posts published in “Martial Arts Articles”

Martial Arts Articles

Taekwondo Sparring

Taekwondo Sparring The Korea’s national sport, Taekwondo, has long been considered as the most popular and most practiced martial arts in the world. It has…

TKD Sparring Clips

TKD Sparring Clips You can also discover them in one of your good friend’s martial arts collection of TKD sparring clips. What’s even more good…

The Art Of Tai Chi

The Art Of Tai Chi The power that moves with your body never ever quits, it maintains you relocating. When you relocate in truth, it…


You see, it’s one point to claim that you desire to discover martial arts or to come to be a warrior and it’s rather one…

Deciphering Taekwondo

Figuring out Taekwondo What is taekwondo? Taekwondo is a contemporary fighting style, recognized for its quick, spinning and high kicks. Individuals have various analyses of…


The capability to make a choice is at the heart of all of this complication. We instruct our kids, our pupils, also those that are…

What Is Jiu Jitsu

What Is Jiu Jitsu Since no one was enabled to bring tools any longer, the factor why Jiu Jitsu thrived was. This indicated that the…

Combat Tai Chi

Combat Tai Chi Summary: Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art, and its decline. Before the evolution of Tai Chi as meditation practice, or as…

Hit the target

Strike the target If your advertisement is for daytime courses you may target remain at home mommies. If I were targeting young ladies (that are…